About Susan
Our Purpose
Noivado offers a specialised People consulting solution tailored for businesses aiming to strengthen their organisational culture and overall employee experience. Recognising that culture is the linchpin of any thriving company, we bring our expertise to the table, diving deep into the heart of your business. Through the creation of an Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) and an in-depth culture report, we provide a panoramic view of your company's employee engagement, values, and satisfaction levels. But we don't stop there. Our purpose is not only to highlight areas of improvement, but we can also streamline day-to-day people operations, lifting the burdens off senior management.
Our Values
Making A Difference
At the heart of Noivado is an unyielding drive to create meaningful change.
At Noivado, we prioritise understanding, compassion, and genuine care, ensuring that every client, every project is treated with heartfelt consideration.
Encouragement and Happiness
Encouragement isn’t just a word; it’s our ethos. And happiness? It’s the inevitable byproduct of our collective success.
Confidence Builders
Part of Noivado ethos is to help you to strengthen and build your confidence, helping you to remove any imposter syndrome.